Neighborhood Snakes Curriculum for K-3rd Teachers

One of most commonly seen snakes in the Bay Area is the Garter Snake, which are harmless to humans.

Thank you for considering the Neighborhood Snakes program for your students!

We want to help students learn to identify the most common snakes seen in our Bay Area parks, trails and backyards. This multimedia science curriculum is designed to be taught over the course 3-5 days, but is easy to adjust to your schedule. It includes worksheets, videos and activities that you can tailor to your needs.

Want to get an even closer look? Schedule our live animal program where students will get to touch live snakes, ask questions and have conversations with our biologists.

  • Selected Program Features

    • Introduces science fundamentals including widely applicable concepts and vocabulary

    • Challenges preconceptions about snakes

    • Features live native snakes commonly found in the Bay Area

    • Discusses species traits and how they relate to their environment

    • Teaches safe animal interaction skills, both proper handling of tame ambassador snakes and what to do if encountering wild snakes

    Sample Curriculum Schedule:

    All videos are under 10 minutes.

Monday: Introduction to Reptiles: Show pre-recorded video: 'What is a Snake?', Hand-out vocabulary page coloring sheets

Tuesday: Meet your Neighbors: Show pre-recorded video: 'Neighborhood Snakes', Hand-out snake list & snake facts pages

Watch now : Video #2: Neighborhood Snakes

Wednesday: Snake Activity: Shows pre-recorded video of a Grade Specific Activity, Associated handouts, Students complete activity.

Thursday: Snake Review

Friday: Live Snake Visit (Optional ad on): Meet out snakes in real life!

Online Curriculum Price: $50

Free of charge to all Richmond Public Schools thanks to a City of Richmond Grant.

30 minute Live Snake Visit: $299 drive fee may apply

Contact us to schedule your snake visit: